Sunday, November 18, 2018

Diabetic Diet? Are You Sick of Being Fed Like a Lab Rat? A Better Way. Take the Test.

Diabetic Diet? Are You Sick of Being Fed Like a Lab Rat? A Better Way. Take the Test.

Diabetic diets are a difficult and “vague” program. This concept reopens the natural food opportunity with a fun conversation and some tips on how to discover what and where to go.

Are You Sick of Eating Like a Lab Rat?

So your goal is to reverse degenerative diseases like Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Neuropathy, High Blood pressureand on. We all know three secret legs of this process include:

Ø Exercise—Everyone’s least favorite

Ø Then there is Weight Loss but today it is hidden by concepts like “getting to a normal BMI (Body Mass Index),” this is another favorite

Ø The real and simple driver here is Eating Healthy, and what does “healthy” mean anyway?

Ø Pure natural supplements make up for the processed food shortcomings.

Reverse the Circle of Bad Health

If you can figure out how to “eat,” you will lose weight. If you lose weight, you will get that old energy back again. Then with all this energy you’ll be exercising just by being active again! This is a simple “reverse circle” to fight degenerative diseases.

Can imagine the best plan for eating naturally, healthy and for longevity is 3,000 years old.

Most new diabetic diet and weight-loss programs are much more complicated than this old Live Longer Now eating natural foods program. But these programs do not work. The healthy natural program is much easier because it is focuses on the way primitive people at. They ate 20% protein and COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES—Not low carbs—but complex carbohydrates. –There is the secret!

Anyone can adopt the Live Longer Now complex carbohydrates program. Literally hundreds of thousands of people have. And many of those who have, haven’t been overweight. Their interest was purely their own good health.

Two months of this New Lifestyle and you will act like a reformed smoker. You will be a missionary telling people that food tastes better and look how I feel.

If you are ready to commit yourself to a new life style and are willing to learn about foods and about yourself, you can expect to be successful in the Live Longer Now program. BUT, if you’re only mildly interested in fighting degenerative diseases, achieving permanent weight loss or are not ready to commit yourself to change, then your chances of success are much smaller. In that case we would rather you wait to begin the program until you have put more thought into it and are mentally prepared for it.

To test your readiness to begin the program, we have prepared a Readiness Test for you (see below). Look the test over and answer the questions.


1. Are you willing to learn and apply facts about food composition?

2. Are you willing to keep some simple records of your food habits?

3. Are you willing to set two weeks aside before you begin your weight-losing program for a period of learning and adaptation?

4. Are you willing to change the kinds of food you eat?

5. Are you willing to exercise?

6. Are you looking for permanent weight loss?

If you can answer yes to all six questions, you are ready to go. Don’t waste any time. Get started now. Learn, learn, learn.

If you answered no to a question, think about your reasons for doing so. Can you foresee circumstances under which you would change your answer to yes? Can you make those circumstances occur? Take the Readiness Test again in a few weeks; you may be surprised to find that you have changed your thinking and are ready to begin the program in earnest.

The program is very easy in many ways and hard in some. It is hard because there is learning involved—but let me tell you, it is fun and is Discovery!

You have to learn how to tell the difference between longevity foods and other foods, how to prepare longevity foods, and how to deal with a world centered on non-longevity foods. It is easy because once you have accommodated yourself to longevity eating; you will conquer degenerative diseases like diabetes, and weight loss is sure and pleasant.

You will feel adequately nourished and you’ll never feel particularly hungry.

There are several excellent books on the market that explain all the detail of complex carbohydrate diets and how to manage these. Live Longer Now, The First One Hundred Years of Your Life and The Origin Diet are examples.

The basic dietary advice for getting the better of your diabetes stays the same. The authors’ names, faces and book titles are the things that constantly change. So even the latest news from Staffan Lindeberg of Lund University, Sweden says, "If you want to prevent or treat diabetes type 2, it may be more efficient to avoid some of our modern foods than to count calories or carbohydrate." Eat COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES.

Just read for your self.

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